GNN Based Drug Response Prediction GSoC 2022

View the Project on GitHub cannin/graph_neural_network_drug_response

17 June 2022

Week One | Explore data

by Yoshitaka Inoue

GSoC Project

Mentor: Augustin Luna (@cannin)


  1. Document Project Dependencies.
    Status: In progress.
    Branch: None.
    PR: None.

    I’m still struggling to create the binder environment.

  2. Reformat CellMinerCDB Data for DrugCell .
    Status: In progress.
    Branch: 6-drugcell-test. PR: None.

    I can extract from rcellminer.

  3. Run DrugCell Model on CellMinerCDB Data.
    Status: In progress.
    Branch: 6-drugcell-test.
    PR: None.

    I can run DrugCell with rcellminer data.


Finally, I can run DrugCell with rcellminer data. But there are too many steps. So I wanna be more simple. But anyway I can go further by today’s result! 👏 By the way, creating binder environment is still difficult. Today, I can install all of the libraries but somehow there are PATH problem for rpy2, so I’ll try to deal with this sometime.

Next Step

tags: gsoc