GNN Based Drug Response Prediction GSoC 2022

View the Project on GitHub cannin/graph_neural_network_drug_response

25 July 2022

Week six | weight visualization

by Yoshitaka Inoue

GSoC Project

Mentor: Augustin Luna (@cannin)


  1. Re-train DrugCell model.
    Status: Done.
    Branch: 6-drugcell-test.
    PR: None.

    Retrain model. The score was 0.35 and right now try to change paramters and rerun it.

  2. weight visualization

visualize weight differences. Apparently there are some difference between cell lines. But understanding difference in detail is still difficult.


This week, we have retrained and visualized the weights. So far the correlation is 0.35, which is not good.
I would like to get at least 0.6. IMO, the main issue is the amount of data. (The combination of Cell Line and Drug is not so large.)
Therefore, the accuracy may be improved by selecting data, hyper-parameter tuning, and so on. With less than a month to go, I will do more experiments asap.

Next Step

tags: gsoc