GNN Based Drug Response Prediction GSoC 2022

View the Project on GitHub cannin/graph_neural_network_drug_response

29 August 2022

Week eleven | Wrap up for final week

by Yoshitaka Inoue

GSoC Project

Mentor: Augustin Luna (@cannin)


  1. Re-train DrugCell model. Done HP tuning for small data, only focus on DNA Score is 0.71.

  2. weight visualization I’ve got the correlation score for GO terms and genes. Also add some visualization and explain some drugs.

  3. Document Project Dependencies

    Working on modifying README.


I’ve created the explanation of some drugs and it can be evaluated by some papers. So, this might be shown that our model can explain some drugs’ relationship with GO term correctly. For the next step, I will dig into more from genes. Although I don’t have so much time…

Next Step

tags: gsoc